Moxie WEF
(Humble GS x Heling x Adrian x Tannenberg)
Moxie GS is a beautiful 2011 Trakehner mare who offers a proven sport record, a interesting outcross pedigree and lovely looks. As a young mare she competed in dressage including FEI 6 Year Old classes and is now balancing a career as a successful hunter jumper and breeding mare. Her sire Humble GS is an internationally successful CCI4* event horse jumping up to 1.45M and schooling Prix St George dressage, to read more about him click here. Her dam sire Heling competed to Advanced level in dressage and was the reserve champion of his licensing in Germany, to read more about him, click here. With her multi-discipline pedigree, outcross Trakehner blood and proven show record she is a versatile dam for our program. We are very excited to have three in-utero foals coming from her and some very exciting European stallions for 2022!
2022 Quality Street DR (Quantensprung x Moxie WEF)Filly For Sale
2023 Alluring Avenue DR (Arko III x Moxie WEF) - SOLD
For Moxie WEF's full pedigree click here